Putin has given the order to Russian troops to attack Ukraine. The free worlds sees it, but cannot do anything military, to stop Putin. His power is heavily fortified in his popularity in Russia: many Russian citizens support Putin and his military actions. The problem is only: they have no clue at all what Putin is doing.
Ordinary citizens in Russia do not know what is going on in Ukraine. They are simply brainwashed. They think, Putin is executing a peace mission, or a military exercize.
A new law in Russia forbids media to use words as “war”, “attack” and “invasion”. Break that law, and you risk imprisonment up to 15 years! Most free media are closed, and journalists and reporters, who aren’t banned and expelled by Putins regime, fled the country.
We need you!
Therefor, we need to inform the people of Russia. We cannot distrubute flyers physiccally: we’d be arrested at once. But the Internet is strong. Even though Putin tries to control it, there are parts that Putin cannot control. And that’s where you come into the picture.
The methods on this site usually do not require technical skills. This will be indicated at the top of each description of a method. And each method is a way to inform Russian citizens about the situation. In many of these methods, texts, that will be shown to Russians, will be needed. It would be the best, if these texts are in Russian. You can read more about that here.
Why you?
We believe in good people. And as Edmund Burke allegedly expressed it, many years ago:
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing
Edmund Burke, Engels-Ierse politicus en filosoof, 1729-1797
And, as many others said it:
If not you, who? If not now, when?
Jewish wisdom, amongst others quoted by John F. Kennedy and Emma Watson
Ethical hacking
You are needed to inform the Russian people about the real situation in Ukraine. To reach these people, hacking here and there is required. Ethical hacking. It is important to keep that in mind: hacking is ok, if it is ethical hacking. More about that here. Anyway: we do not call you nor we implore you to hack yourself – you should let others, who have experience with that, do that. Yet better: strongly advice against to use hacking methods, if you suffer the required experience to that. We only ask you to help spreading the message.
Not without risk
It can be very riskful, to lay arm with Putin and his inner circle. So be careful. Please be as anonymous as possible. And remember: the Russian people did not choose this. If they had the real possibility to vote freely, they’d never had chosen Putin. This isn’t there fault. So don’t harm the Russian people. The only thing we need to achieve, is: weaken the position, Putin has, by informing the people that he is lying to them.
Het kan risicovol zijn, als je gaat armpje drukken met Poetin en zijn mensen. Dus wees voorzichtig! Wees zo veel mogelijk anoniem. En denk eraan: de Russen hebben hier niet voor gekozen. Als ze een echte mogelijkheid hadden om vrijelijk te stemmen, hadden ze nooit voor Poetin gekozen. Het is niet hun fout. Dus doe de Russische bevolking geen kwaad. Het enige dat we moeten bereikein is: de positie van Poetin aan het wankelen te brengen door de mensen de informeren dat hij ze voorliegt.